Spring 2025 General Education Committee Meeting Schedule
Location: TBD & Zoom. All meetings are recorded.
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm.
- Tuesday, December 3, 2024
- Tuesday, January 14, 2025
- Tuesday, January 28, 2025
- Tuesday, February 4, 2025
- Tuesday, February 18, 2025
- Tuesday, March 4, 2025
- Tuesday, March 18, 2025
- Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Fall 2024 General Education Committee Meeting Schedule
Location: Founders Hall 176 & Zoom. All meetings are recorded.
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm.
- Tuesday, September 3, 2024
- Tuesday, September 17, 2024
- Tuesday, October 1, 2024
- Tuesday, October 15, 2024
- Tuesday, November 5, 2024
About the General Education Committee (GEC)
What is General Education?
"General Education breadth" (or GE) is a core requirement of associate and baccalaureate
degrees and is central to a college education. GE breadth, in itself, is a learning
experience with its own targeted learning outcomes. GE breadth strives for "breadth"
of academic understanding, unlike a student's chosen major where coursework tends
to fall in the same discipline or subject, focusing on a particular interest area.
Therefore, the GE-educated student has been exposed to a wealth of subjects helping
the student understand the role and application of the various academic disciplines
with regards to self, one's community, and the world.
What does the GEC do?
The GEC, a committee of the Curriculum Committee in cooperation with Academic Senate,
provides oversight and makes appropriate recommendations to the Curriculum Committee
concerning the development, implementation, and periodic review of local and transferable
general education curriculum courses and pathways with the intent of supporting faculty
in the development of relevant, quality general education curriculum for MJC students.
According to the "Charge of the General Education Committee" (adopted by the MJC Curriculum Committee, February 27, 2024), the GEC is responsible for:
- Establishing and recommending definitions, criteria, and area standards for each MJC
general education (MJC-GE) area, ensuring alignment with any/all established GE policies*
- Review of proposed General Education CORs against all available general education
technical requirements, standards, and criteria in order and provide support and feedback
to course author(s), curriculum representatives and deans
- Making official course-by-course recommendations to the MJC curriculum committee as
to which course proposals meet or exceed MJC-GE and Cal-GETC general education standards;
and, when appropriate, providing rationales for the recommendations
- Facilitating and supporting the ongoing review, assessment, and modification of the
MJC general education curriculum.
- When appropriate, and in accordance with Academic Senate 10+1 purview, ensure that
any institutional policies pertaining to General Education be approved by the Curriculum
Committee and forwarded to the Academic Senate for final approval
* In its Spring 2024 convenings, the GEC prioritized drafting final recommendations
regarding the implementation of local graduation requirements, local General Education
curriculum, and any applicable standards for those areas
Who are the GEC Members?
Unlike other governance committees at MJC, GEC committee representation is by GE breadth
pattern areas rather than schools or disciplines. Since multiple schools can be represented in
a single GE area, this configuration centers the work of the GEC on the GE standard
as opposed to a focusing from the perspective of a given school or department. This
means that disciplines with courses approved for a specific GE area are eligible to
be faculty representatives for that GE pattern area.
Non-Voting Members
- Letitia Senechal: Chairperson (ex-officio)/Articulation Officer
- Rob Stevenson: Vice-Chairperson
- Ellen Corbin: Articulation Support
- Julie Hughes: Evaluations
- Aishah Saleh: Academic Senate (ex-officio)
Voting Members
- Nita Gopal: Area 1A/B - English Composition &Critical Thinking
- Kyle Stubbs: Area 1C - Oral Communication
- Ross McKenzie: Area 2 - Mathematical Concepts & Quantitative Reasoning
- Noah Wilson: Area 3A - Arts & MJC Activities Requirement
- Bill Anelli: Area 3B - Humanities & UC Language other than English Req.
- Shelly Fichtenkort: Area 4 (SBS) - Social and Behavioral Science
- Vacant: Area 4 (AI) - Social and Behavioral Science (CSU US Constitution and American Ideals
(AI) Req.)
- Daniel Chase: Area 5A/C - Physical Sciences &Lab
- Vacant: Area 5B/C - Biological Sciences & Lab
- Theresa Rojas: Area 6 - Ethnic Studies
- Kathleen Ennis: CSU Lifelong Learning & Self Development Requirement
- Mary Shea: MJC Health & Activities Requirement
- Tina Giron: Counseling (General) & MJC Guidance Requirement
- Liz Camboia: Counseling (Special Programs) & MJC Guidance Requirement