From Left to Right:
Add more to your collegiate resume by getting involved! Members of the Young Farmers Club enjoy activities throughout the year that serve to encourage students to meet and connect with people of their same interests.
See more on our MJC Agriculture Instagram page.
Advisor: Mrs. Lori Marchy, email:
Meetings: TBA
From Left to Right:
Join a national network of accomplished students. The Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences Club (MANRRS) provides an inclusive and safe community for students of all backgrounds. This is accomplished through personal development, career growth, networking, academic and career success within agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences.
Location: MJC West Campus ACE Pavilion
More information to be posted soon, plus check Instagram @mjc.manrrs
Advisor: Ms. Dejeune Shelton, email:
Meetings: TBA
Pullin' Pirates rallies students with agriculture mechanics interests with activities such as the annual MJC Truck Pull and multiple competitions throughout the year
From Left to Right:
See more on our MJC Pullin Pirates Instagram page.
Advisor: Mr. Todd Conrado, email:
Meetings: TBA
MJC hosts a variety of animal science activities, including a high school judging contest.
Activities include Show Camps, Livestock Judging Clinics, Showdown in Motown Spring
Classic (Swine, Sheep & Goats) Jackpots, Livestock Judging Team, and more.
See more on our Animal Science Highlights and News Page (coming soon) and Instagram
Advisor: Mr. Tim Truax, email:
Meetings: TBA
Activities include the Dairy Replacement Heifer Sale (held every other year in October), Judging Teams, Dairy Challenge, community service, and more.
From Left to right: Coach Nicole Morris
<<< instert photo(s) here (especially World Dairy Expo Team Photo)
Advisor: Mrs. Nicole Morris, email:
Meetings: TBA
Got a green thumb and enjoy working with plants? The MJC Nursery has a variety of plants and hands-on projects. EHS Activities include club meetings, the Annual Plant Sale, field trips, and more
The annual plant sale is the first Saturday in April.
Advisor: Ms. Kattie Schmidig, email:
Meetings: TBA
The poultry industry is a dominant agricultural entity in the Central Valley. Poultry
activities include club meetings, egg sales, senior day, annual PEPA conference, poultry
shows, field day, scholarship opportunities and more
Advisor: Mr. Tim Truax, email:
Join an extremely active group in the School of Agriculture! Vet Science activities
include club meetings, pet food drives, pet photo sessions, senior day, field day,
small animal surgery assistance opportunities and more
Advisor: Ms. Jenn Gomez, email: