Program Overview
The Child Development program offers both theoretical and practical courses, which
focus on the growth and development of all children from conception to late adolescence.
Students use this knowledge to create culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate,
anti-bias environments that promote optimum care and learning opportunities. Coursework
prepares students for a wide variety of careers in direct services for children and
support services for families in licensed, state, federal, private and/or non-profit
programs serving infants, children, and adolescents. Required coursework in the Child
Development program emphasizes educational ladders leading to certificates, the Associate
of Science degree, and transfer to baccalaureate programs. This coursework is designed
to meet the academic requirements of the Child Development Permits, issued by the
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Title 5), the California Department of Social
Services (DSS Title 22), and the Early Intervention Certificates developed in conjunction
with the California Early Start Community College Personnel Preparation Project in
Early Intervention. Students should be advised that for the various levels of the
Child Development Permits and Early Intervention Certificates, there is an experience
requirement and/or general education requirements. All Child Development courses for
certificates, degrees, and permits must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
All required general education requirements for the Child Development Permits and
Early Intervention Certificates, both issued by the State, must be completed with
a grade of “C” or better. All students are encouraged to consult a Child Development
Advisor for enrollment and program details. Advisors will assist students in the selection
of proper courses and sequences.